The Laban Dance Centre has been designed as a public building and very much open to everyone. It will be faithful by all dance students from all level from the world. The environment is quite an open and quiet area with residential buildings surrounding by. Although this building has give a sense of isolation as it built in an area for residential purpose, it standout in the surroundings, to be able to enlarge the focus to the environment. It is a totally different view comparing this modern area with the residential houses just next to it.
There is a very open and sunny outside space with grasses and hills had made a great first impression, as I was not expecting a stunning building in such a place with green area, not many like this place for learning and working. The open area tend to be a nice place to also encourage communication. People get together easily in such a big area, whereas school and universities in central london seldom have big spaces nearby. This outdoor space is also great for families who goes to the Laban's events, so they can sit and have lunch on, where children can also play around, running up and down the hills. This makes it a more functional space.
The light enters the site very well and goes into the building through those large clear windows, this brighten up the site more. In day time, there are activities of Laban including training, rehearsals, workshops. In the evening, when it situated in the dark, the building becomes another fabulous view with colours lantern, radiating light out onto the surrounding area.
It is also settled in a good transportation area. This creates a more friendly and relaxed atmosphere, where it is located in only a few minutes walk from the DLR station. Therefore this is much better than situated exactly near the stations where it is very crowded. There are also developing new, contemporary, apartments buildings behind the Laban dance centre. This development seems to be a plan of improving landscape and to make green by planting, will create a modern with afforest space in this surrounding in the future.
Front view and cut section of Laban's.
The Ferranti Park, situated opposite the new Laban International Dance Centre.